With a new act as a Civil War-era magician, I decided to make myself a set of slates that could withstand the rigors of regular performance. For me, real stone slates are just too fragile, too rare and too expensive for everyday use.
I wanted slates that were lightweight, dependable and virtually indestructible. And of course they had to look the part.
I ended up making two sets — one 12 by 9 inches for stage and what I call my “busking” set at 9 by 7.25 for parlor and street performances.
I’m delighted with their performance and am now offering these homemade, 100-percent wood slates to the magic community. Leave the collectibles at home on the shelf; these are slates that work best in the real world.
Each comes with a hand-fitted “gravity” gimmick of the thinnest aluminum, coated seven times to ensure proper texture and that it will won't chip or flake. The chalk surfaces are well-matched and spectators will never see the gimmick, even it it’s only inches from them. And if the slates or flap eventually do show wear, they are easily repaired.
These slates don’t lock, and there’s nothing to go wrong, but with the proper handling any moves pass unnoticed and you can let spectators handle them, too.
My slates include a carrying bag, handkerchief to wipe them, chalk and a manuscript of routine ideas and handling tips. Plus, the best way to care for your slates and repair them if they ever should get scratched. But I doubt if they will.
I’m especially proud of these slates and happy to have them with me when I perform. I hope you will give them as try — I think you will like them as much as I do
Slates are made to order. Please allow two weeks for delivery.
DOLLHOUSE SLATES - 2 1/4 x 3 1/4